Here's a picture, which I photoshopped a while back, that was 6 years ago - wow! Well actually back then it was Corelshopped or however you wan't to call that...
(The Wasp is obviously not really hanging out on that marguerite)
I printed the picture on some sort of photo paper and kinda left it lying around... At some point, about two years ago I found it in my studio, lying in a box of stuff. It seemed like it had gone through quite a bit, so I scanned the picture the way I found it and yesterday while looking through my archive I found it again!
And so: I decided to post it and share this little story with you.
I hope you like it!
Vor rund 4 Wochen konnte man an einem Wettbewerb
von JobScout24 teilnehmen...
Es ging darum sich in einem Video vorzustellen und zu beschreiben wieso man Modefotograf werden möchte.
Darauf hin würde man nach Zürich eingeladen um sich dort unter professioneller Anleitung in einer Video-Performance als fähigen Modefotografen zu beweisen (so steht's geschrieben.)
Naja, meine Antwort darauf:
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Dein JobScout24-Team
"irgendwie" verständlich, dass sie mich nicht genommen haben, dennoch traurig :-(
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